A Young Man’s Nursing Home Journey

At the end of last month, I attended my granddaughter’s high school graduation. Naturally, I am very proud of her and all that she has accomplished during her four years. As she prepares for college in the fall, I’m excited to see her future unfold in many promising...

The Credit Report Mystique

When it comes to obtaining credit information on privately held companies where financial information is often carefully guarded, the quality of the information in a report should be treated with some level of skepticism. As we have often seen, there can be a huge...

Six Mothers Whose Inventions Changed the World

As I was making some minor adjustments to our home security system recently with my grandson, he mentioned that the first home security system was invented by a woman. I said to him, “How do you know something like that?” He responded that his 7th grade history class...

Giving a Birthday Gift to a Past Due Customer

I have a client who has always sent a birthday gift to his customers as a way of showing his appreciation for their business. The client currently has about 100 customers, which means that he will send a gift to about 9-10 customers per month. The expense of the...

Will My Credit Position Be Eliminated by AI?

My grandkids love to tease me about how technologically behind I am. While they can type on their tiny smart phone keyboards at a speed that would rival a concert violinist, my fat fingers can barely plunk out a text message without several mistakes. Although I’ll...

Zombie Bankruptcies in 2023 Set New Records

Like many of you in our industry, I often read through a great deal of economic data and indicators to get an idea of where the country is headed, and how the economy affects our credit and collection decisions.   According to the American Bankruptcy Institute,...

Summer Is Over and It’s Back to the Grind

Another Labor Day holiday has come and gone and with it, I’m reminded of my childhood when the dreaded thought of going back to school after a long and lazy summer was kind of depressing. First there was the need to get some new clothes and shoes, followed by...

The Evolution of Sunscreen

When I was a teenager, playing around in the sun on the beach for long hours with my friends was always a wonderful time, except for one thing – I got terribly sunburned. As I got older, realizing that I could not subject myself any longer to painful...