My personal feeling is that if you have a non-paying customer that is ignoring your calls, emails, and letters requesting (demanding) payment and they are very close by, it may just make sense to do a stop by and see if you can talk to someone.
Not too long ago, one of my clients had a long-term customer that all of a sudden stopped responding. The emails still went through, the phone rang, you could leave a message, and regular mail was still being delivered but there was absolutely no response. My client, the credit controller at a hobby goods wholesale distributor, decided to do a stop by. Since the customer rented space in a small office building, my client was able to go up to the floor where their customer was located.
Since the door to the office was locked, my client couldn’t enter. On a hunch, he went into the other offices on the floor and asked if they had seen his customer recently. One of them mentioned that they heard the customer was in the hospital with a serious illness and that’s why they had not heard from him. My client was eventually able to talk with one of the customer’s associates who explained more details which indicated that the customer was not in good shape and probably would be letting the business become insolvent.
It’s not the outcome that my client was expecting but at least now he understood the situation and could make whatever plans possible.
To the contrary, other times when you make an unannounced visit, you might just find that the front door is open, and you can very politely enter. The person in charge may come out and talk to you and explain why they have not been able to pay. Of course, no one may help you and, in the end, you’ll just turn around and leave. At least you’ll know you’ve tried your best to resolve the matter and can go on to the next step, whatever you decide is best.
Your thoughts and comments are most welcome.
Nancy Seiverd, President
CMI Credit Mediators, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
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