As we are delighted to spotlight Guy Lang for our April newsletter, please read through his short interview which conveys his passion for CMI and the collection business.
Q-1: What was the initial opportunity that brought you into the profession? How long have you been working at CMI and in the Collection profession?
A-1: I’ve been a Collection Professional for 27 years! It all started after I was newly discharged from the United States Marine Corps and found a position as a Transfer Operator, at a consumer collection agency. My job entailed calling Nearby’s to persuade debtors to come to the phone. Once they were on the line, I transferred them to a collector. My relationship with CMI began 18 years ago and I’ve never looked back.
Q-2: What are your main responsibilities at CMI?
A-2: Here at CMI, I am responsible for successfully resolving large balance accounts. I skip trace businesses, identify assets, secure equipment and products, educate decision makers, negotiate fair and equitable settlements, resolve disputes, prepare accounts for our legal process, work with debtors in finding reasonable solutions to their debt challenges, study documents related to files, and secure the largest recovery possible for CMI’s client’s.
Q-3: What is the most gratifying aspect of being a Senior Certified Collector?
A-3: The most gratifying aspect of being a Senior Certified Collector is the confidence that comes with knowing that I am qualified to perform at a top level. In addition, it’s always very satisfying to feel that I have increased our client’s cash flow and at the same time helped the debtor resolve a problem.
Q-4: What do you find to be the biggest challenge in your day to day work?
A-4: The biggest challenge in my day to day work is a welcomed one. It’s getting the Decision Maker on the phone since there can be several layers of gate keepers at any business. Weaving through the maze of gatekeepers keeps me sharp and on my toes. As the saying goes, “Steel sharpens steel”. I see the gatekeepers and myself as steel in which we are in a constant sharpening session.
Q-5: In what way do you feel CMI Credit Mediators, Inc., stands out in the industry?
A-5: Longevity. CMI has a proven record of sustaining itself by being progressive and innovative. Although I’ve seen many agencies come and go, CMI remains out there moving forward and striving to provide total client satisfaction.