by Nancy Seiverd | Feb 4, 2025 | Poll
Take the Poll – As a Credit Professional, what is your biggest regret regarding your career in credit?Not building relationshipsMaking too many extreme credit decisionsNot pursuing professional developmentNot leveraging technologyNot advocating for the credit...
by Nancy Seiverd | Oct 7, 2024 | Poll, Uncategorized
Take the Poll – In the current employment market, to what extent do the credentials CCE, CBA, CICP, or MBA, help someone to advance in their credit related career?Not much helpMaybe a little bitSomewhat helpfulVery helpfulChoose Whenever I have been asked to...
by Nancy Seiverd | Sep 6, 2024 | Poll
Take the Poll – If you are an in-house or third-party collector, what is the most satisfying thing about your job?Working with a great team of peopleCollecting the big and difficult accountsSurpassing monthly collection goalsMaintaining or repairing debtor-creditor...
by Nancy Seiverd | Jun 4, 2024 | Poll
Take the Poll – How would you feel if the credit override was only about 20% of the amount you originally granted to the customer? I don’t like any credit overrides - period.I’d feel that my judgment is being questioned.I would grudgingly accept it.I wouldn’t mind....
by Nancy Seiverd | May 7, 2024 | Poll
Take the Poll – How many times have you relied on a credit report that turned out to be misleading?3 times or less4-5 times6-7 times8 times or over Choose Credit reports are not perfect and in fact, they may often contain information that is either erroneous,...
by Nancy Seiverd | Apr 2, 2024 | Poll
If your customer was not responding to your requests for payment and was located very close by, would you make an unannounced visit to talk to the person in charge?No, it’s not our SOPPossibly, let me think aboutYes, but I’d be a little nervousYes, definitely would do...
by Nancy Seiverd | Feb 6, 2024 | Poll
Take the Poll – What keeps you up at night regarding your credit & collection position?DSO not coming downLarge account(s) not payingNever enough time in the dayKeeping sales on a leashChoose In the early days of CMI, I can tell you that for years I worried about...
by Nancy Seiverd | Jan 15, 2024 | Poll
Take the Poll – Do you review customer credit limits every year?Yes, at the start of the yearYes, but only when I have timeYes, but on a need only basisNo, it’s not our standard operating procedureChoose As credit professionals, it seems intuitive that a credit limit...
by Nancy Seiverd | Nov 8, 2023 | Poll
Are you still requiring letters of credit for your cross-border transactions?Very rarelyFrom time to timeDepends on the customerIt’s our required payment methodChoose Letters of credit (L/C) are still commonly used for cross-border transactions in international trade....
by Nancy Seiverd | Oct 11, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll - Do you think it’s a good idea to check the owner’s credit score as part of your credit due diligence on a company, especially if it is a small enterprise?Would not consider doing itNot doing it now but maybe I shouldI have done this once or twice in...
by Nancy Seiverd | Sep 6, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll - Would you decrease a credit limit if your customer informed you that they need to extend payment terms by 60 days? No, especially if it was only temporary.No, if they were not a good customer.Maybe, depending on their payment historyMaybe, depending on...
by Nancy Seiverd | Aug 20, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll - Would you allow your third-party collection provider to collect for your debtor if it would facilitate receiving your payment?No, it’s a conflict of interestProbably not I would be open to the idea Yes, whatever will workChoose There are many times...
by Nancy Seiverd | Jul 3, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll - How valuable are trade references for your credit decision?Don’t use themCan be a little helpfulRequired but not verifiedRely on them heavilyChoose Trade references can be valuable in certain situations, especially in business-to-business transactions....
by Nancy Seiverd | Jun 6, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll - How many times have your credit decisions been overridden in favor of sales?NeverOnce or twiceSometimesRegularlyChoose When economic times get tight and companies are vying to take business from their competitors, there may be a tendency for credit...
by Nancy Seiverd | May 2, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll - You have overlooked a customer that you now realize is 75 days past due. Do you:Call immediatelyStop all shipmentsSend out a demand letterFind out why this account was overlookedSome of the aboveAll the aboveChoose I was talking with a client recently...
by Nancy Seiverd | Apr 4, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll - As a credit professional, have you ever asked your customer to provide a certificate of business insurance?No, and it’s not on my radar.No, but should I do so?I have thought of it when I’ve seen large assets.Yes, on occasion I have requested...
by Nancy Seiverd | Mar 7, 2023 | Poll
Take the Poll – How Would You Rate Your Company’s Customer Service?I’d rather not sayWe’re really trying but…Depending on the day, not too badThe feedback is that it’s getting betterOverall, we’re pretty goodChoose An associate of mine was telling me about the...